Mira arte fabricatum.
Itineraries for the definition of the Lorenzo Ghiberti Interpretation Centre

Scientific Coordination:
Giuseppina Carla Romby | Alessandro Merlo

October 19, 2018 5.30 pm | 7.30 pm
The forest of Vallombrosa

The forest of Vallombrosa today
Riziero Tiberi | UNIFI
Wooded land — cultivated land — consecrated land. The historical formation of the heritage of Vallombrosa
Francesco Salvestrini | UNIFI

October 26, 2018 5.30 pm | 7.30 pm
The Castles of the Conti Guidi

Archaeology of power. The Conti Guidi and the formation of the noble landscape between the 10th and 13th centuries
Guido Vannini, Chiara Molducci | UNIFI
Castles and itineraries in the Val di Sieve: a new role for the valorisation of the landscape
Leonardo Certini | Proloco Pelago

November 16, 2018 5.30 pm | 7.30 pm
Working with noble metals

Goldsmithing techniques in Lorenzo Ghiberti's workshops
Dora Liscia Bemporad | UNIFI
Material Interpretation of Ghiberti's Gates
Salvatore Siano | CNR Firenze

November 30, 2018 5.30 pm | 7.30 pm
Lorenzo Ghiberti

The humanism of Ghiberti and of Michelozzo, his 'companion'
Antonio Natali | Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore
Paradise Regained: the restoration of Ghiberti's Gates
Annamaria Giusti | Opificio delle Pietre dure

December 14, 2018 5.30 pm | 7.30 pm
A cultivated landscape

Ghiberti's landscape
Mariella Zoppi | UNIFI
The transformations of the agricultural landscape
Paolo Nanni | UNIFI

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