Working with noble metals

November 16, 2018 5.30 pm | 7.30 pm

Dora Liscia Bemporad
Goldsmithing techniques in Lorenzo Ghiberti's workshops

Dora Liscia Bemporad is associate professor of History of Modern Art at the Department of History, Archaeology, Geography, Art and Performing Arts (SAGAS) of the University of Florence. She specialises in the History of Applied Arts and Goldsmithing and was the Head of the Degree Course in History and Safeguarding of Artistic Heritage, as well as Coordinator of the PhD Programme in History of Art (University of Florence). She has been in charge of various important museums, such as the Museum of Jewish Art in Florence, and was director and curator of exhibitions on the minor arts. She has numerous publications on the topics of her research.

Salvatore Siano
Material Interpretation of Ghiberti's Gates

Salvatore Siano is Head of Research at the “N. Carrara” Institute of Applied Physics of the National Research Council. Over the past twenty-five years he has focused on the development and application of advanced techniques for the material understanding and conservation of cultural assets. He has introduced innovative analytic approaches, created new laser systems and methods for restoration and provided a decisive contribution to their validation in analytic campaigns and conservation interventions on important works. He has been involved, in particular, with ancient and Renaissance artistic smelting, overseeing the interpretation of the executive procedures undertaken in copper alloy sculptural masterpieces, among which: the Orator from Trasimeno; the Medici Riccardi Horse Head; the Chimera and Minerva of Arezzo; the Amore Attis, David, Pulpit of Resurrection and Capitello by Donatello; the Group by Rustici; the Group by Danti; and the Gates of Paradise and North Door by Lorenzo Ghiberti. The results of his research have been published in numerous scientific and informative journals.

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